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Abe Elgindy

Abe Elgindy is the founder and editor-in-chief of Sid's Opened Lid Online Magazine. Born in America, raised in Egypt until kindergarten, then flown back to America, he learned Arabic as his first language, but now it seems the opposite. He speaks English much better than Arabic. He primarily writes prose poems but also writes short stories and has self published two books: One on the 2012 election titled "Smack." The other is a collection of 3 novella length stories titled "Minimalism : A Collection of Minamilistic Book Length Stories"
Abe also indulges in mixed-media art, and going by Stephen Kings definition of talent, he would be talented as an artist, not a writer, since he actually received checks and cash for his artwork, but not for his writing. 
Abe Elgindy is donating his work from when he was young still learning how to draw up until now, all in different forms, to the Salvation Army in Downtown Jersey City and the Goodwill in Journal Square. After making an intial visit some of his work was bought on site by a man named Juan and his son at the Salvation Army. All proceeds go to the Salvation Army and Goodwill organizations. 
This is a booklet of his sketched titled, 'Dead Brain Cells." Above are two sketches, or drawings that are featured in the booklet. Below you can find more of his art work. Things that have been bought in the donation. And things still yet to be donated on Monday 11/9/2015.

Orion's Belt

"there was a ragnarok ninja spinning and using gremlin spitting out the stars and pointing them out. Orions belt was clear. I see it everyday when I walk home. The constellations breathed out a starry dust that waved around it and surrounded the ninja giving her a glow. yes it was a she. How ironic that she spits ad points. Reminds me of badly acted porn videos. My knees were weak from sitting so long on the train. It left late and I had to walk on train tracks to get to my train since it didn't park on the right track. What a shame that the nights have to end in closed corridors with broken trees and porcupine trees giving you a placebo effect as if a you were a blind person and took acid. What would you see? the darkness would hug you and blanket you, give you warmth with it's vivid colors swirling together. How lovely. Orion has unbuckled his belt. he's getting to excited. We should end this." Unknown


The Rabbits Wishing Well

A conniving loving hairy monster with a balloon for a stomach became to be very judgmental causing canyons in front of barriers between him and the people who loved him. These canyons led to a beautiful other world to those who he loved, but at the same time it cause them to tremble and scratch the walls with their nails to delay their arrival so by the time they arrive they are covered in blood and don’t have fingers anymore. This would pretty much solve their problems with the darkness in that familiar world, and allow them to search for the light.

Some of them are preparing for this now. Wear brass rings on some of their most important fingers : ring, index, and thumb, so that the green that builds around can grow inside until  their finger falls off with green veins viping about so they may grow in the ground; a replacement for the original. This would eliminate the painful process of having to scratch at the walls of the canyon as they fall. How do we replace the blood then?

This can be done through syringes or papers cuts, whatever you are more comfortable with and haven’t developed a childish fear of. Of course the syringe must be empty, you are pulling, filling the dropper, not pushing.

This other world is what the other people want anyway. The problem is that they took solace and felt safe in the monsters fur, and so decided not to go, until his judgment turned into anger and the fire in his veins burned that fur and created a BDSM type of leather around his body. To protect themselves they built a barrier around the monster and as the monsters frustration grow he stomped on the ground creating the canyone. Jump into the Rabbit Hole.



It was quite simple. The fuzz was chasing after my cuz. He was quite buzzed from the perfume on his button-up ocean colored swirly collar Egyptian silk shirt. A true novelty. When my cuz paused for a second and the fuzz didn’t notice from the constant moving of the ocean and breeze which was amplified by the actual breeze and they smacked right into the meaning on the world, painted on this novelty shirt, and got a buzz, ruining my cuzins buzz.

That’s really all there was to it, other than the fact this shirt was my cuz’s mothers shirt which she abandoned 8, a vertical infinite, years go in the city where Alexander the Great left his glorious and luxurious library, and that this shirt that swirled around his body never clung to it from sweat, but rather almost falling off, was a good luck charm. Anytime he took it off bad things happened: Money lost blamed on him, faith in God lost, the fuzz catching him and not finding the meaning of life. The latter of course did not happen this time.

The swirls twirled and curled around the peach colored fuzz and allowed him to escape, leaving a parting gift. The ocean is filled with cigarettes dirty diapers and crap.





Fear of Trains...A Short Clip Experiment

For Us, Not to Us


"They are to busy thinking about what it does to us, when we don't have any other time but to think what it does for us." Said someone some time ago smart in some area of life and/or study, who knew the difference between those who watch and those who do. Taking part and taking apart with ones eyes, ears, nose, and mind. Taking it all in and then making decisions based off of preconceived notions, or lessons instilled from birth and distilled as time goes by and life contradicts them. Because life will contradict who and what you think you and others are, and if you are wise enough young lamb then it will be good for me, and you, and no one will no longer be in need of leaders who preach about the injustice of inequality and favoritism. 

That is hopeful thinking. Wishfully thinking that hope is not just a lie that comforts us. Wishing upon a star. Wishing upon 11:11 am and pm. Wishing upon birthday candles. Wishing upon a bone that breaks, but you can only wish if you have the bigger half, without cheating, because no one likes to play with a cheater. 

That's enough wishing for now. Back to reality. Oops there goes gravity and we have sunk deeper into another world. Below ground, under sound, surround bound, surrounded only to be found muttering "I am here! I think? Therefore I am thinking at least." 

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