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Author of her self-published book titled The Sin of Greed : Memoirs of an Ex-Muslim, as well as the creator and editor of an online blog that goes by the same name, Sarah Iskafy is a half Egyptian and other half mut mixed in with some Native American who was born a Muslim, but announced her disbelief early on and made it public with the publishing of her memoir. Sarah is also an artist who created the cover art for her book and during her free time from working and taking care of her son, likes to, "eat, sleep, and watch anime. I'm a simple woman." Her son is similarly simple with the only difference is in that he, "likes to eat, sleep, and play games." Coming to terms with being a mother, make a living, and still strive to explore and develop her artistic projects is a full-time job for Sarah and she is continuing to do her thing with the perseverance of a super detective named L who doesn't care if sleep is lost as long as he gets the job done.  

Available on Amazon, Kindle, and as an Audiobook!

Look our for New Content on her Blog...Art, Poetry, and Prose.

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