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     Hassan Nagy

Hassan Nagy is from Cairo, Egypt but has traveled to New York and a few Latin American countries. He writes poetry in English that some see as dark, but are more like questions left unanswered that cause anger. A photographer who edits his photos, Hassan appreciates what a camera paired with technology can do without living in a digital world except for when he places his headphones over his ears and drowns himself in the electrical pool of wires producing soundwaves of metal bashing against metal causing a classical symphony to sound like an ode to everything that is wrong with this world and should be purged from the ground, water, and skies. 


"Take a sad song and make it better" 
"manifest the light into darkness" 

oh wish i could get some sleep.. 

once again i fail to express 
maybe all i need is to confess 
somethings r felt when they're taken away 
but hey, today's a new day 
i cant be sad really 
he's free from pain n sin 
life ends, nearly 
another begin 
maybe i need to regain my faith 
its my time i own this place 
i will stand tall against my peers 

but there is always fear of defeat 
i cant fail to connect 
while another resurrects 
its such a strange world 
at least of what i saw 
i saw one cry 
all i can do is smile 
its such a strange feeling 
i cant beat being, myself 
i looked at the sky 
all i can do is smile 
its such a strange world 
not perfect but whole 
no look in the eye 
no last goodbye, but 
i believe all is in time 
so i smile..him too 

i dont feel 
i know i miss

The Game

I poured some gas on a fire to set a flame 
the twisted flames of desire is the name of the game 
the fire then ablazed and power it regained 
shadows pointed at me n said your so insane 

i never care 
nothings fair 

But the creature of the fire was then alive 
a creature named deciever in greatness he strives 

strives to play us all 
strives to gain control 

with the forces of nature he collides 
but regains his strength to control our minds 

the creature of the fire 
twisted fires of desire 

we fell for it.. 

Laughter twisted laughter then filled the air 
Many lives lived all in one but dont try to compare 
the sacred deed of whats happening is not even fair 
but the source of all creation doubt him do u dare? 

should i care...?

I am..

Between coming 
and being 
Between experience 
and imagination 
Between idea 
and emotion 
Between boil 
and burn 
Between initiation 
and healing 
Between mastery 
and mystery 
Between falling 
and flying 
Between intention 
and surrender 
Between love 
and fear 
Between clarity 
and freedom 
Between morality 
and obscenity 
Between seeing 
and feeling 
Between the small 

and the know it all 
Between ride 
and walk 
Between think 
and talk 
Between suicide 
and real lies 
Between soul 
and race 
Between mind 
and face 
Between hero 
and mime 
Between grace 
and flame 
Between scar 
and tame 


"Not a word pass your lips, 

Just a golden kiss 

As i whisper silently, 

Help me through this" 


I grabbed a pen.. 

Come on my dearest pen write about what i have deep beneath this face from tears n ahhhs 
come on dearest one express maybe u can reach out to the ones in any suffering sea, like me 

with waves on rocks crashing me and my family 
winds blowing cruel in fear of me betraying myself 

the lost sea and the twirl of a disease, 

survive this? 

twirl of greedy ones without conscience, is this our final destination? our fate? 
where is the real escape? 

survive this? 

when we try to get out of this viscious circle, we fall into another "no conscience" 
and the greed of the ones making money through the people who needed conscience n mercy the most 

such a shame only few might understand .. 

New Dimension

Hey there clone of me, 
do you want me to die but only when i'm forgiven, to end this phase..fuck this place
do you feel i am real or do you crave undeniable fear?
just To have ? not to hold, not so Cruel yet so Cold
Iv got to have my way, many times i'v gone astray...its just another role to play
Floating on shallow waters, all the same but i feel closer 
Maybe i just think out loud..maybe i just Pray to a cloud, my absolution Illusion..
...seeking men of new dimension living, purposeful existence knows, I prepare my palette, like God paints a rose.
Brushing sunsets with light colours, misting meadows with his breath, purposeful existence? im wanting my death
On the canvas of my memories, Framed OH GOD in years to be, dip ur brush in sunset colours and paint a picture just for me!

Vibrant life..Enjoying

Help me forget a memory, open my eyes to see, that heaven sent is..the will to be
i so often get myself into hot waters, i know the aroma of your presence in my life, its evident at times like these
people tell me so, so i believe it to be
but i dont like it one little bit, but this i know, you hold all the strings,tell me which way to go..
what place is this where rivers flow, flowers bud and grasses grow?
what place is this where minds released, from fear, phobias n find peace?
where constant joy is all i know, where god is everywhere i go
where i am overwhelmed to see, the face of her who will die for me
where broken dreams are dreamt anew, and come to pass for me, for you
what place, what place, its home for him
wholl make me what i might have been
if im sure ill praise him for all my days
i will be sure he'll accept my ways
Heaven to be..Home for eternity
is it real.. or is it a dream for me
But i'm alone on a throne, the king of time turned to stone


Vibrant life..Enjoying?
new dimension..Living?


The secret of what iv become, is just my life undone
What can make a difference now, she's mine i feel somehow
but words have so many meanings, depends on how you see things
Awaken the seed of sun? or injecting planted death..
I wanna fly through the night..Light the stars n Blind my sight
i want you, i just wanna see your face, im in a place of no disgrace

""There is a dream i am living, there is a life i am dreaming of""

In the dark, I found the light, a flickering spark of endless night....
So dream away with me what should have been

Serenity for eternity..

High on life

Enjoying life is not about doing something you think you like or desire, its more about losing all sense of judgment and default standards and simply enjoying it at will, right now I'm enjoying sharing my thoughts with my pen n paper and I'm sure they are enjoying me as well.
You must not wait for it or seek it because you are it and be aware of your simple human potential to transform dust into gold, death into life and madness into an innocent blessing.
As soon as you let space to absolutely love to live the rest will be a dance of automated joy.
But i never knew the feeling of not wanting anything but my soul, but my love for the source of creation exceeds and sometimes becomes surprisingly clear. When i am serene i am the source of serenity for the people around me.
I have brothers and a family other than my own, the universe is mine and i am the god of my own space, i live to love n love to live.
I breath in the light everyday for it is always time to shine, and i am the superstar of my own reality.
I am the source from which everything in my life takes place and gaining control is my ultimate right.
This is a reminder of what is not and what simply is, i have no problems because problems is only a word, a mere illusion to distract you from the path you should pursue.

God is with me and all around me and i am proud to be part of the world, divine.
And this feeling of overwhelming peace is just life going through me, a universe carrying me, god laughing with me.
To understand is to experience.
As far down as up above.
I'm grateful for every single moment in my life for it has shaped the being i am now.
I feel love given from above that some wont choose to receive, and there's plenty for everyone.
And there is more n more for me to intake and out-give to the people involved in my miracle of self.
We're all godsend to be together, and we feel the same things over n over.
In silence i found my true self and in darkness i saw the spark, and in this life i found beauty and in the afterlife i will reunite with my best friend, my father, myself, my god.
Nothing beats feeling, nothing beats being.
I love all n I'm sure all loves me back.
You! might still be dreaming, but as soon as you open you're eyes all of this will make perfect sense, and for the ones who's aware of this simple existence,
I'm glad to be part of you, as for the completely sleeping, I'm waiting for you, to love you even more.

High on Life
God bless

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