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Sid's Opened Lid is an online magazine. We used to have our own official domain, but because of monetary and personal issues, that was all lost and we haven't released anything in over a year. This is Sid reincarnated. 


A platform for literary, visual and performing artists to display their work they normally wouldn't have the chance to show to an appreciative audience.

To put it simply, we are a place for alternative art, music, and writing. A place where published writers may have a chance to publish experimental work that would not be accepted somewhere else for not fitting into a certain genre, or for new upcoming artists and writers who have not been published before and need some exposure.

Soon we will have a domain again. Get ready for the construction of a brave new world of art as we deconstruct everything you thought you knew already. After all, with two brains and trains of thoughts that travel parallel, perpendicular, and crash into each other, Sid is the best person for this job of multitasking. 


Editor: Abrahim Elgindy

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