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Eternal March Madness Issue 07

In accordance to the madness of March we released our issue this month a bit late, in the middle of the month. Nevertheless the wait was worth it and you will find an interesting new form of an interview that we did with each of our artists and musicians that contributed this month. Check it out under the issues tab or click here.

Up and Running 2018

We just turned the corner and are in a new year. With that comes new ideas, friends, acquaintances, and art. Sid's lid has been closed for quite a bit, but we managed to pop it back open thanks to some new tools and techniques. Screwdriver and wrench in hand we are tinkering with Sid's brain to release everything that has been stored up there this past year. Put on your hard hats because we are going to experience an explosion  that will deconstruct and then construct everything you thought you knew about the arts. 

New Year Issue Released


A broken mousepad for more than half of the month, nose surgery to make the editor breathe better, and just it being a weird month has made it difficult, but S.O.L. has released our 5th issue. Sid's Opened Lid's start to the 2016 New Year is giving it's audience a cookbook to make their brains work different from every other year that has passed, especially 2015. 


Reincarnation Complete and Sid Walks the Streets Once Again


Sid has officially come out of his coma and Issue 04: Reincarnation has been released today, Dec 1, 2015. We have built a new affiliation with 100 Thousand Poets/Artists for Change so please feel free to check them out on Facebook. 


Issue 04's Front and Back Cover

November 10th


Issue 04: Reincarnation's front and back cover are done and available to view here on the homepage. Under issues you can also see the front cover. There has been a lot of progress this past week and in a week or two, depending on how long an interview needs to get set up and it takes people to send me their work, the issue's rough draft should be complete.


New Blog Posts

November 6th


New Blog Posts by Hassan Nagy and Abe Elgindy. Enjoy phot edits and sneak preview in art for sale.


Sept 25th


Hello and welcome to the reincarnated world of Sid which has been under renovation after a couple of accidents in the outside world when he popped out his lid.


We will be publishing the 4th issue Dec 1st, so for now enjoy the first 3 original issues and soon to be uploaded Blog Posts!

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